* aHAND4 Life! requires Registration for most of our interactions with the Public other than ordinary "cash donation". People interested in more specific information updates, prospective Members of all our Membership Class (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) which includes Advisors, Sponsors, and Partners, as well as Volunteers, are all encouraged to to Register. Registration is a CASUAL, VOLUNTARY INFORMATION EXCHANGE between aH4L! and the Registrant only, at the SOLE discretion of the Registrant. Unlike Membership, such DOES NOT represent, or create an "Agreement" in any form, NOR does such invoke any right(s) to, or obligation by either party, the Organization or the Registrant, with respect to the other party, or any of their related resources, affiliates, assigns, successors, Directors, Advisors, etc.
** aHAND4 Life! respects the privacy of every one of our Interested Registrants! We will treat your information professionally, confidentiality and work high to provide a very high level of security, which today more than ever is important, and makes us your "Trusted Organization". Furthermore, we never solicit or directly contact anyone for money ($), NOR do we ask anyone for any sensitive information, that they have not FIRST confirmed they wish to send us. Please see our Policies below (Privacy, Disclaimers, etc.) for details, proceed at your own discretion, and WE WELCOME YOU!