aH4L! - Milestones, Achieved!


Below is a table of our Achieved (Historical) Milestones. These have been in accordance with our "Planned Milestones" of our 2014-2016 Operational Plan, which was unanimously approved by our Directors - Please ENJOY!

Achieved (Historical) Milestones!

10.30.2016 All Letters of Support are received. Target to submit revised CA State Vendorization "Letter of Intent", Business Plan (per Ops Plan) & and Letters

12.15.2015 Completed 4 month, 1X yearly required course for CA WRC Vendorization "Universal Enhancement"

04.30.2015 Submitted CA State "Letter of Intent" and "Application for Vendorization", w/ supporting materials. Received communication for Quality Mgmt. of Next Steps (Materials needed).

02.28.2015 Completed major website update detailing "Vision" for final Program design, Vendorization, State-of-the-Art "Register"/"Apply" database capability, etc.

08.09.2014 Completed first-pass update to 2014-2016 Ops Plan (below) to address CA State WIC/ Title 17 REQ's for Vendorization for Staff, Programs, etc.; Began corresponding major Website update.

4.21.2014 Elected Director Monica House(Class E). Ratified 2014-2016 Launch & Scale-Up/Ops Plan (Programs, themes, logo, Corporate ID, etc.)

7.25.2013 Received CA R&TC 23701 Tax exempt status (in CA)

11.14.2012 Received 501c3 Tax-exempt status (IRS EO Group)




02.27.2015    Filed CA State Vendorization "Letters of Intent" to Vendorize, including Business Plan & Recommendation Letter, per Ops Plan (below) CA Title 17 Lanterman Act
11.28.2014    Began major website update to detail "Vision", for final Program design, Vendorization, State-of-the-Art "Register"/"Apply" database capability, per Ops Plan aHAND4 Life! (website home)
08.09.2014    Completed first-pass update to 2014-2016 Ops Plan (below), to address CA State WIC/ Title 17 REQ's for Vendorization for Staff, Programs, etc. CA WIC Title 17
04.21.2014    Elected Director Monica House(Class E). Ratified 2014 Launch & Scale-Up/Ops Plan for 2014-16 (Programs, themes, logo, Corporate ID, etc.) Class E Dir. Monica House
07.25.2013    Received CA R&TC 23701 Tax exempt status (in CA) CA "Tax-exempt" Letter
11.14.2012    Received US501c3 Tax Exempt Status (IRS EO Group). US501c3 "Tax Exempt" Letter
05.28.2012    Elected 3 additional Directors, Mr. Jeffrey Gordon, Mr. Michael Moriarty and Ms. Jean Tufnell; also addressed 12 IRS EO Group questions, + other business. Class E Dir. Jeffrey Gordon
Class D Dir. Michael Moriarty
Class D Dir. Jean Tufnell
04.12.2012    Received (finally) IRS Letter, with (15) detailed questions to address to our Form 1023 Application.
08.26.2011    Filed Form 1023 501c3 "tax-exempt" status Application with the IRS Exempt Organizations (EO) Group, for Tax Exempt status per US501c3 for Public Charities. IRS Instructions for Form 1023, App for "tax-exempt"
05.27.2009    Filed aHAND4 ® Life! Inc Articles with CA SOS. Began Ops & Planning as CA Public Benefit Corp. Filed aHAND4 ® Life! Inc Articles (CA SOS)

Please NOTE: Our most recent Historical (Achieved) Milestones are also listed on our Home Page (lower left)


1. Please note, Plan Milestones & Events are subject to change, pending action of the President and vote of the Directors, pursuant to our Articles, Bylaws and Policies.

2. As well, since we are in "Launch" and "Phase1 Scale-up" mode thru December 2018, as stated elsewhere in this site, during this period, Plan Milestones & Events remain fluid and are subject to change at any time. Once the Organization reaches full funding and "stable operations", which we expect by year-end of 2019 ("The Road to $300K in donations and 1000 members", we expect Plan Milestones to be more stable and less subject to change, as determined by annual planning cycles and the fuller Staff.

3. Therefore, we appreciate your patience during this time! If you wish to help us reach our Plan goals and "stable operations" sooner, please give us you best level of financial support at this time - your help will be greatly appreciated - and we thank you in advance!