aH4L! - Fundraising!

Our Fundraising!

aHAND4 Life! is required by law, as a Public Benefit Corporation, and US Public Charity (501c3), to raise a majority of its funds by the Public, through Donations. Most organizations at least do this annually, as we do. However, we also raise funds throughout the year, IN EACH Local Community in which we launch - Join Us!

2016: "Road to $300K, Initial Launch & Scale-up!"

$15, $25 or more...!" Every dollar helps this worthy cause.

    "We are on the Road to $300K in Public support by year-end 2016. Our goal is to ANNUALLY SERVE 1000 People w/ a chronic Significant Physical Disability due to Development (PCSPDD, ramp up over 5 years)!"

    aHAND4 Life! is using 60% to Launch in West Los Angeles Cnty (1Q17):

    1) 1 FT TeleGuidance Program Case Manager (PCM) - Serves ~80 wkly) +
    2) 1 FT/PT In-Home Personal Care Assistant (PCA) - Serves ~1 FT/4 PT wkly) +
    3) Offers "THINGS!" to PCSPDD Members' ("Charitable Needs, by YLP!") +
    4) Launching aHAND4 Companion Animals! in this Community

    aHAND4 Life! is using 40% to Launch in Santa Clara Cnty (3Q'17):

    1) leverages the above FT TeleGuidance PCM, and ADDS
    2), 3), and 4) same as above for THIS local Community!

2009 - 2012: Formation & Startup Phase!

aHAND4 Life! began with "Formation", then Operations, as a Public Benefit Corporation, which was required before Application could be made to IRS for 501c3 "tax-exempt" status, as a Public Charity. This substantial effort was funded by Co-Founder Mr. Edward W. LeMahieu's donations, and a modest loan which is already mostly repaid. Very generous terms were provided, with repayment being made over a decade, WHILE maintaining 85% operating efficiency he motioned for as Chairman, and which was unanimously approved by the Board.

As well, during this period, Mr. LeMahieu's Medical Device Consulting and Contract Engineering Firm
Walt Medical Product Services & Staffing Inc. was instrumental in providing additional necessary funding, contributing 5% of Revenues quarterly as a donation aHAND4 Life! - and continues to-date!

2009: Inaugural, Honolulu Sprint Triathlon!

aHAND4 Life! began its required Fundraising efforts by organizing, enrolling, training, and completing its Inaugural Fundraiser, the 2009 Honolulu Triathlon (Sprint distance, May 17th)!

The event was a success by any measure, and raised approximately $6,000. As well, Co-Founders Mr. Edward LeMahieu and Mr. Brett LeMahieu finished 1st Place in the Special Needs Category - a nice bonus!!

bret training in pool bret arm weighttraining bret and ed haircut race week bret and ed race start laugh bret and ed 1st place male special needs

2016: ONLINE Donation!

2016: Corporate Sponsor!

Our Fundraising Process!


for Local

We are expanding in California and the US. Registration let's us know of Interest in Local Fundraisers. We take it from there!

Leaders, Staff,
Members, Sponsors & Partners

Interested? Compassionate? Join Us!

Planning Events
for maximum


We Execute,
then Serve!

aHAND4 Life! Fundraisers! (All Regions)

bret arm weighttraining

bret and ed 1st place male special needs

"Westside" Los Angeles
County & Region!

Launching in this Region in 3Q15, serving Westside Regional Center

2015 Nautica Malibu Triathlon
0.5mi Sw, 18mi Bk, 4mi Rn
Sept. 19-20th, 2015

bret arm weighttraining

bret and ed 1st place male special needs

San Andreas
4-County & Region!

Launching in this Region in 4Q15, serving San Andreas Regnl. Ctr.

Santa Cruz Sprint Triathlon
0.75mi Sw, 12.4mi Bk, 3.1mi Rn
Aug. 9th, 2015

bret arm weighttraining

bret and ed 1st place male special needs

Orange County
& Region!

Launching in this Region in 4Q15, serving San Andreas Regnl. Ctr.

Newport Beach Super Sprint Triathlon
0.25mi Sw, 7.5mi Bk, 1.5mi Rn
Oct. 4th, 2015

bret arm weighttraining

bret and ed 1st place male special needs

Event#4, Soon
YOUR County & Region!

We are launching in this Region in 3Q15.

TBD Sprint Triathlon, + TBD

* Thru 4Q2016 (year-end). Updated weekly. Ending: Dec 31 '16, 11:59:59p. DONATIONS $ INCLUDES cash value of all Donations, including Things!. DOES NOT INCLUDE Revenues for "Services rendered" which may be "Unrelated Business Income (UBI)", which is permitted by US IRS to a limited extent for Public Charities.