aH4L! - Partners!

Our Partners!

  • Many things are Possible with ...

  •            ...Teamwork!            ...Innovation!            ...circles of Love & Support!

  • ...most ANYTHING!

Partners around the State and Country!

aHAND4 ® Life! will soon have partnerships with Organizations all around the state, country, and eventually the Globe - to the benefit of both Organizations!

Partnership significantly extends our reach, for membership, clientship and to build our Leadership and Staff.

Our partners work with us, within our purpose, under our Articles, according to our Values, Mission and Vision, and US guidelines for our US Charity status, and in return, they receive added value, increased Public Recognition, potentially new Business.

  • "We all believe in "Corporate Citizenship"!


Send your Note of Interest! If you or your Organization would like to benefit from a mutually beneficial, formal relationship. We would like to hear about your opportunity, and promise to promptly respond to discuss!

Our Partnerships are most typically formalized by execution of a simple one-page "Letter Agreement", to assure our mutual benefits and protections - so our "expectations" are aligned! In that Agreement, we address basic things AS: Ethics, Indemnification, Rights Offered, Payment(s) and Termination, etc, - typical, necessary things.

Let's get started in Partnership TODAY!