aHAND4 Life! - Facilities, West LA!


aHAND4 Life! is building a network of several call Centers around the US, to serve our Members and Clients, People with a Chronic Significant Physical Disability.

We are also utilizing those facilities for those with lesser physical impairments who can ambulate to the our Facility, for various Training offered within our Programs.


Southern California Call Center & West LA Training Facility

Administrative & Member/Client Workstation B

Member/Client Workstation A (Inside View)

Member/Client Workstation A (Hallway/Window-In View)

Main Televideo Conference Room (Capacity=10)

Small Televideo Conference Room (Capacity=4)

Kitchenette, Vending, Break Area

Lobby, Floor Entrance

Lobby ThinkPad Stations

Building Outside View (2nd)