Charter Pilot Program! ('10 thru '12)

aHAND4 ® Life! conducted a "Charter Pilot Program" throughout 2010 thru 2012 - while we were developing our Program outline and Policies and in application for our US 501 c 3 "tax-excempt" status declaration by the US IRS, which we received November 14th, 2012.

The purpose of the Pilot Program was to assess certain aspects of Programs, to learn what was needed, what worked, and didnt, and to formalize that in to a series of Policies and Programs to bring to the Public. We accopmlished our goal, and are happy to be bring these valued Services to you at this time - our "Charter", by our Articles, Mission and according to our Vision.

We will carefully scale Operations, with input from the Public we Serve, and guidance from various State Agencies and other Non-Profit Organizations and US Charities. We hope you appreciate the work we're doing, as it is difficult, important, and we know the Need is Great!

  • We will have more Pilot Programs to report on soon - aHAND4 Friends! aHAND4 Companion Animals, and more! Join Us TODAY!

face of teleophone operator with headset


home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care

  • Provided strong, effective advocacy via In-home and Telecomm technology, for Medical & Dental Care, Presciption &Insurance issues
  • Provided comprehensive In-home and Telecomm Caregiving support, for total care & safety improvements - no incident reports
  • Increased friendships from to 5-10 friends, in 2yrs, from 1-2, with no incidence reports.
  • Created flexible, bimonthly PT Companion Animal program, 2yrs running, with substantial emotional gains - no Incident reports
  • Assisted Application and established admission to Junior College, in Administration of Justice program - both inclass and Online.
  • Provided mainly remote tutoring for five (5) "Online" Classes, over 2yrs. Assisted achievement to "B" (3.0) Average.
  • Provided In-home and Tele-training of Caregivers, for improved "Total Quality" - home organization, substantial Happiness increase!

two sets of hands over a document discussing


home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care

  • Substantial experience & resources developed relating to establishing Specials Needs Trust funds & Conservatorships!
  • Provided In-home and Telecomm guidance for housing contract review to occupy (2) Apt. locations, NorCal & SoCal.
  • Provided In-home & Telecom guidance/advocacy (Maint &Ops) to avert numerous costly bills by Mngmt. Companies.
  • Same as above, and avoided unnecessary legal costs - increased "good will" with Mgt. Co. & neighbors.

hands scouping up coins, sprouting a plant


home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care

  • Provided In-home & Telecom guidance to establish working budget, Plan, weekly coach (-$4K to debt-free 14 mo’s).
  • Provided In-home & Telecom guidance to create Plan, weekly coach, improve score 600 to 800, 14 mo's, 3yrs to-date.
  • Provided In-home & Telecom guidance for Biz Ed. Established goals. Achieved Director & Founding Ambassador titles

iso view of a lovely apartment complex


home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care home neuro disability care

  • Provide In-home & Telecom guidance/advocacy to achieve Section 8 Qualification from 2yr waitlist.
  • Provided successful Section 8 Apt. finding of three (3) units, in three CA Counties, over several months, over 8 yrs.
  • Provided In-home & Telecom guidance to resolve numerous Apt. Ops & maintenance issue at very low cost.
  • Same as above, to resolve numerous Apt. Ops & maintenance issues - improved Mgt. Co & Neighbor relations
  • Provided relocation assistance for full Apt move, for family reasons, 450mi (in-state) - downtime only 3 months.

a colorful collage of thirty miniature household goods


home neuro disability care Brett in procured Wheelchair outside landscaping Brett in procured Wheelchair outside landscaping Brett in procured Wheelchair outside landscaping Brett in procured Wheelchair outside landscaping Brett in procured Wheelchair outside landscaping

  • Provided In-home & Telecom assistance to locate/secure essential items as security deposit, adaptive equipment for 2 bed 2 bath Apt.
  • Provided In-home & Telecom assistance to qualify & procure new manual & electric wheelchairs (2).
  • Provided In-home & Telecom assistance to design/select/procure/install home landscape improvement./li>

* The Photo sequence is for a person with a chronic, significantly neuro-muscularly physical developmental disability, our Founding Ambassador, Brett E. LeMahieu. Photos are presented roughly in sequence order, after a 2nd Billateral Pallidotomy procedure, in 2001, thru his years in semi-independent living in Santa Clara (under SARC), and now in West LA (under WRC).

* Our Success Stories are understandably limited to our completed Pilot Program. aH4L! is just beginning - we are launching Operations in October in West Los Angeles and San Jose. Please return from time to time to witness our inspirational success stories. Improving the lives of People with Significant Physical Disability is generally NOT "made for TV" excitement! It is difficult work, under difficult physical and emotional circumstances. Yet, we are confident we will have many excellent, inspirational successes to share each year. Thank you for your Interest!