aH4L! - Value-1, VIP! Rights, Justification!

Our Corporate Values!

Value-1, VIP! Rights Justification

  • "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

The US Declaration of Independence states that people that very shortly (eleven years later) became the first U.S. Citizens "are ... endowed by their Creator with certain unaleinable rights ... life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". We believe it a birthright, and now lawful citizen right, that "life (to be alive), liberty (to have Freedom), and pursuit of happiness DEFINE INDEPENDENCE ... and that such, not just those that remain healthy and mentally fit long enough to make significant income.

a). that the Declaration of Independence is the ultimate DEFINER of INDEPENDENCE for all law-abiding adult U.S. Citizens (Life, Libery, pursuit of Happiness) -
i). AND THAT such DEFINES the duty of "the governed", and of "government" which they empower -
ii). AND THAT its CLEAR THEN THAT VIP!s have EQUAL RIGHTS of INDEPENDENCE as "healthy" Citizens, and ought to "strive for such"

AND THEREUNDER and THEREFORE: b). that it is also a "self-evident truth" by viture and analysis of the conditions applicable to each VIP! and their INDEPENDENCE LIMITATIONS,
i). THAT it is NONSENSICAL (NOT MEANINGFUL), and THEREFORE NOT APPROPRIATE that VIP!s simply be "offered the right to strive on their own for INDEPENDENCE as those who are healthy are offered" - ii). AND THAT each VIP! shall be OFFERED (PROVIDED) SUPPORT by "Government" (the "securer"), with "Public Donation" (and with reasonable/just Family support in case of minor (children) VIP!s), WHICH ACHIEVES AN "ON PAR" LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE in the three (3) areas noted above;

c). AND that then aHAND4 Life!'s primary mission, by its charter in and with the States, "Government", is PRIMARILY to be an IMPLEMENTER (TOWARD ACHIEVING & MAINTAINING) of reasonable and necessary measures, as its resources permit, to help achieve such "ON PAR" INDEPENDENCE of each VIP!


1. that "ON PAR" INDEPENDENCE (i.e. live, as in "activities of daily living"; and farm, be employed or otherwise "work"), THAT VIP!s "STRIVING" BY THEIR POWER ALONE IS NOT MEANINGUL, AND THEREFORE NOT APPROPRIATE - AND MUST BE SUPPORTED (SUPPLEMENTED) BY "continuous" "physical help" ("hands-on", by capable and qualified human resources, yet further supplemented thru appropriate application of modern "tools and technology"), and with reasonable and necessary funding from all sources - federal and state tax appropriations, Charitable Donation, and Family funding as appropriate (for Minor Children" VIP!s)tax appropriation and donations" shall be appropriated to each VIP! on an equitable "needs basis"

AND THAT in regard to the listed unalienable rights, such "securement" shall be REASONABLE (, BASIC elements for "LIFE" - defined as for "sustenance of a VIP!'s body and mind" - i.e. access healthcare, food, housing, disability care, food, accomodations), and LIBERTY (freedom to act), PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, and that "securing" also includes "helping to IMPLEMENT")

2. That aH4L!'s Articles (as a Public Benefit Corp.), Bylaws and Policies, and our IRS granted status as a U.S. Public Charity (501c3) shall govern our stated Mission/actions above 3. And that thereby, aHAND4Life! will work DILIGENTLY and DIRECTLY with VIP!s, "Government" and "the People", for the EXPRESSED PURPOSE OF SECURING INDEPENDENCE (RIGHTS) AND ONGOING RESULTS(to an "ON PAR" LEVEL, achieving and maintaining).

this Organization will IMPLEMENT/PROVIDE, as our Funding and Resources permit, as "necessary" on an individual basis for each VIP!, withefficient, effective, and direct Guidance, Information and Physical Assistance, including as provided for by Public and Private Services, hat "a Civilized Society" ought not to act merely like "animals" of the type which in groups "leave the sick, weak or even young behind to die, "for the sake of the "pack", and the "strong", but rather all in it should identify with those which PROTECT, NURTURE, and CARE for until the bitter end, or recovery, and those who shortly became the first US Citizens DECLARED" that INDEPENDENCE ...was ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR ...was UNALIENABLE (which we interpret not to be denied or excluded)... ARE RIGHTS (we interpret, "entitled to")...and that FOREMOST of such rights are to include LIFE (we interpret "to be alive, in a reasonable existence, with dignity")... LIBERTY (we interpret sufficiently free and sufficiently and the pursuit of happiness - ... for such, that lifeis a right of all human beings is defined by states that people that very shortly (eleven years later) became the first U.S. Citizens "are ... endowed by their Creator with certain unaleinable rights ... life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". We believe it a birthright, and now lawful citizen right, that "life (to be alive), liberty (to have Freedom), and pursuit of happiness DEFINE INDEPENDENCE ... and that such, not just those that remain healthy and mentally fit long enough to make significant income. because they cannot "survive" in the world of "able-bodied people" - as ridiculous a notion as "throwing an infant or substantially disabled person in the middle of a pond and saying "swim". We believe VIP!s are entitled to Government (and supplemented by Public Donation to Public Charities as possible) as long as their physical condition dictates, PROVISION of reasonable, basic items DEFINED as a This approach we believe is a highly effective approach for “the pursuit of Happiness” - to ACHIEVE and SUSTAIN a substantial, measured IMPROVEMENT in “mindset/outlook/feeling of happiness” (i.e. emotional state). We also know such “enhanced (vs depressed) emotional state” is inextricably, and scientifically proven in the Literature to RESULT in better overall health/healing and “feeling of well-being” to live life. We assert the (preamble) Declaration of Independence DEFINES DECLARES what INDEPENDENCE IS - “unalienbly including (foremost) Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”. We assert The U.S. Constitution and CA Lanterman Act well provide for “Life and Liberty”, but confirm NOWHERE (use the word) provide for (SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION) for “pursuit of Happiness” – as if “2 out of 3 automatically provides the 3rd”. Maybe in “non DD” folks, but we believe VIP!s need ACTIVE, sustained support in “pursuit of happiness” as well

1. "The unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America" REMAINS THE BASIS OF ALL LAW in this Country, which spawned the U.S. Consitution eleven (11) years two (2) months later, "in order to form a more perfect Union", applies to VIP!s as well as "everyone other law-abiding U.S. Citizen";

AND it a "self-evident truth", "that all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unaleinable Rights, that among these (foremost) are LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS";

AND that "Government is instituted among Men (and women), and "is to be justly empowered" and "by the consent of the governed", for the expressed purpose of securing these FOREMOST RIGHTS.

  We believe VIP!s ought to reasonably, and continually strive for "independence", as every other U.S. Citizen ought to, BUT that because of their substantial physical disability due to development, such STRIVING may not be considered "by the power and ability of the VIP! alone", which we believe a "ridiculous notion" akin to "throwing an infant or substantially disabled person in the middle of a pond and saying swim" - but that VIP!s are entitled to Government (and supplemented by Public Donation to Public Charities as possible) as long as their physical condition dictates, PROVISION of reasonable, basic items DEFINED as a U.S. citizen "Independence" right. By subject matter, and because of this land, we therefore believe the "The unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America", which spawned the U.S. Consitution eleven (11) years two (2) months later, "in order to form a more perfect Union", applies to VIP!s as well as "everyone other law-abiding U.S. Citizen". Therefore also, the primary Mission of this Organization, according to our Articles, is to provide assistance to those VIP!s directly, and to work with "Government", which is empowered by "the governed", to SECURE, which necessarily includes IMPLEMENT, also a "self-evident truth", THE FUNDAMENTAL INDEPENDENCE RIGHTS, the formest of which (among others) ARE: basic, reasonable LIFE (we define as sustenance of ones body and mind - i.e. healthcare, food, housing, disability care, food, accomodations), and LIBERTY (reasonable freedom to act), PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, as they do not unreasonably hinder others' such rightand MAY NOT UNREASONABLY hinder other Human Groups of such. That some folks have succumbed, through no fault of their own, to a chronic, significant physical disability due to development. But yet as good citizens, we believe they have a right to a reasonable existence, not mere subsistence, regardless of their ability to provide for themselves when there are substantial. They need the help of the Public, as they cannot provide fully for themselves. Family is not enough, and in some cases, dont even exist;

That these people in our midst need more assistance, and protection, than the rest of us, so they can contribute in meaninguful ways - their way - and "thrive", not just "survive". We do not believe that we are like some in the "animal kingdom" that simply leave these behind (hese, we believe, OUGHT NOT be left behind!;